+39 0574 575795 info@bgsm.it

About Us

The origins and code of etichs of BGSM & Partners


How BGSM & Partners
came about

BGSM & Partners, with offices in Prato, Montecatini Terme, Lucca e Pisa, was born in 2002 out of the incorporation of professional freelancers and company managers, with the intention of providing companies with a new organisation to be availed of for “centralized” problem-solving with regard to management of entrepreneurial apparatus.

BGSM & Partners can boast a team of skilled, professional collaborators including chartered accountants, auditors, lawyers, business consultants, management consultants, experts in strategy and planning, and practicing economics graduates. It has direct correspondents in Italy and in many foreign countries.

Professionals at BGSM & Partners provide consultation services relating to national and international taxation, corporate taxation and management, law of contracts, company law, international law, industrial property, for companies operating principally in the industrial sector in the province of Tuscany, as well as throughout the entire national territory.

BGSM & Partners sets about tackling the problems of the company system as a whole, making use of the specialized skill of its partners.

Their experience in management, including work at a national and international level, has enabled them to acquire significant expertise in the fields of management, accounting, administration and taxation.

BGSM & Partners has a long history of collaboration with firms, developing specific skills over the years and building its profile as a business consultancy firm which offers close guidance and support to its clients. This means that each client company which turns to BGSM & Partners has a consultant as its own personal reference contact even though the actual work may be carried out by various other specialists.This method enables us to give firms support, whether global or targeted, guaranteeing effective and coordinated operations..

The professionals at BGSM & Partners have the skills and experience necessary to offer modern solutions which are perfectly suited to each company situation, regardless of its legal structure.

In this way our effective intervention makes a significant contribution towards the creation of a new business and business value, supported by tailor-made strategic investment policies in areas of accounting, finance and organization.

BGSM & Partners has direct correspondents in leading industrial countries worldwide and in the major Italian cities. English is spoken fluently, and contacts can be made with French, German and Spanish speakers.

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Create your business in a secure way

Request a consultation with our team.


Code of Ethics

BGSM & Partners operates within the strict limits of an ethical code which is internationally recognized by business and management consulting firms.

We retain the utmost discretion as regards information pertaining to our clients.

Upon accepting a commission, we guarantee our clients total exclusivity.

We do not accept a job unless we are certain that we can conclude it well.

Similarly, we do not accept a job unless we are granted access to the necessary information.

We do not provide services to clients of dubious moral standards.

Works as a team, with full recognition and appreciation of the qualities of all professionals involved.


BGSM & Partners
Via Ferrucci, 57 - 59100 Prato
Tel. + 39 0574 575795